Today I got to clean up a dead baby opossum from the parking lot. Some crows were snacking on it, and had eaten the eyes.
I'm so lucky!
And the ‘I DIDN’T THINK THIS THROUGH’ winners are….
13 years ago
I'm a full-time student who makes ends meet in a seedy motel on the edge of one of Portland's notorious vice districts. Though we get a lot of nice out-of-towners either driving through town or coming through the airport, we also see a lot of the vermin that populate Portland's underbelly. Or as I put it once, "Tweakers, hookers, and vagrants--oh my!"
Personally, I'm constantly amazed by what I see of humanity here: the nasty, the dumb, and on rare occasions, the sublime.
And yet, there's no picture attached to this post. For shame.
I really am falling down on the job. On top of a dead baby opossum.
Was one of the crows named Flagg?
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